Local currency conversion in SAP ECC

Local currency conversion in SAP ECC

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In this video tutorial, you will learn how a local currency conversion (LCT) works in SAP ECC.

In the first part, the theoretical basics of a local currency changeover are presented, followed by the actual implementation in the SAP system. These range from the preparatory measures to the elimination of inconsistencies and customer-specific developments through to the implementation and reconciliation of data. Only those activities that are actually required to carry out a HWU are deliberately discussed. These activities are the result of numerous customer projects that have been carried out over the last 20 years. Ideally, after watching the video, you will be able to carry out a HWU independently in SAP. Good luck!

  • Theoretical principles HWU
  • Preparatory measures
  • Remove inconsistencies and customer developments
  • Implementation and reconciliation of data