First Steps in the SAP Purchasing Processes (MM) – 2nd edition

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  • Por
  • Claudia Jost

153 Páginas, 2. Edición , ISBN: 9783960125815

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Do you know how to execute procurement processes in standard SAP without any errors? Find out how in this practical guide to the SAP Materials Management (MM) module and the purchasing process in SAP ERP. The author expertly introduces readers to the most frequently used functions in the procurement process, from setting up a purchase requisition to posting the vendor invoice. Walk through a step-by-step example with detailed SAP screenshots of the vendor master data on the purchase requisition to the purchase order. Then builds on this example to explore information on the goods receipt and invoice verification process. Identify opportunities for process optimization. Obtain a list of best practices for consistently maintaining data in SAP. Learn how to use master data, functions, and evaluations to work more productively with SAP MM. The updated second edition includes information on the approval process and credit approval procedures. By using practical examples, tips, and screenshots, the author brings readers up to speed on the fundamentals of SAP MM.

  • Step-by-step instructions for creating a vendor master record and a purchase requisition
  • How to convert a purchase requisition to a purchase order
  • Approval process and credit approval procedure fundamentals
  • Tips on how to create favorites