First Steps in SAP second edition

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  • Por
  • Sydnie McConnell,
  • Martin Munzel

144 Páginas, 2. Edición , ISBN: 9783960129141

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19 USD al mes

  • 12 meses
  • Licencia única
  • 19 USD 228 USD al año
  • Más de 850 libros electrónicos y tutoriales en vídeo
  • Consejos y trucos de los expertos
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Do you want to understand the basic fundamentals of SAP software without having to work through 400 pages or more? Yes? Then this book is for you! The authors concentrate on the essentials and spare you all the details you do not need as a beginner. Using simple, step-by-step examples, walk through the fundamentals of the SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system including navigation, transactions, organizational units, and master data. Instructional videos help you experience the look-and-feel of SAP software without requiring access to an SAP system.

This second edition has been enhanced with an overview of the existing SAP product portfolio in addition to SAP ERP. Learn more about the technical side of SAP ERP including industry solutions, ABAP, and enhancement packages (EHP). Get a short introduction to BI, CRM, SRM, SCM, GRC, NetWeaver, SuccessFactors, and HANA. Demystify SAP acronyms and get clarity on the purpose of different SAP products.

  • Learn how to navigate in SAP ERP
  • Learn SAP basics including transactions, organizational units, and master data
  • Watch instructional videos with simple, step-by-step examples
  • Get an overview of SAP products and new development trends