First Steps in the SAP Production Processes (PP)

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  • Por
  • Björn Weber

135 Páginas, 2. Edición , ISBN: 9783960123309

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For manufacturing companies, effective and efficient production planning processes are crucial to success. In this book, you will learn the basics of production planning in SAP ERP. Review the details surrounding Material Requirements Planning (MRP II) and the principles of Engineer-to-Order, Make-to-Order, Assemble-to-Order, and Make-to-Stock scenarios. The book is illustrated with numerous SAP screenshots and provides a detailed example of an effective make-to-stock strategy. Identify which master data is involved in the planning processes and how it is structured. Trace material requirements planning and its process flow using detailed examples from the field. Gain an understanding of the importance of production orders for lot-related production and which functions they perform. Explore sales and operation planning including planned sales, plan with multiple hierarchy levels, determine the resources required, and compare planning to the resources available. Finally, learn how to implement capacity sequencing using capacity leveling in SAP ERP.

  • Compact handbook for discrete production in SAP
  • Processes in SAP PP explained clearly and understandably
  • Comprehensive case study example with numerous screenshots
  • Master data, resource planning and production orders in context