Practical Guide to SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Customer Payments

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  • Por
  • Santosh Kumar,
  • Sachin Kachhawaha

160 Páginas, 1. Edición , ISBN: 9783960123415

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SAP Cloud for customer payments offers a customer-facing portal for selfservice access to account information and accelerates the invoice-to-cash process. This practical guide, written by SAP Cloud for customer payments experts, shares customer experiences and best practices for downloading invoices and credits, handling credit card and Paypal payments, and disputing invoices. Explore SAP Cloud functionality for customer payments and compare and contrast SAP Biller Direct and SAP Cloud for customer payments. Take a closer look at the business processes supported by SAP Cloud for customer payments.

Take a detailed look at dispute management, correspondence management, and handling multiple currencies, and delve into Contact Us (SAP Help Portal) and attachments functionalities. Learn how SAP Cloud for customer payments inte- grates with other SAP solutions, including SAP Digital Payments and SAP FI-AR. Examine transactional business use cases and take a closer look at advanced features of SAP Cloud for customer payments, including partial payments and dispute handling. Dive into the administrator console and user management, as well as frontend and backend configuration. Review the options for reporting and monitoring, and get a sneak peek at the future roadmap.

  • Compare SAP Biller Direct and SAP Cloud for customer payments
  • Explore integration with SAP Digital Payments and SAP FI-AR
  • Examine advanced features including partial payments and dispute handling
  • Review reporting and monitoring options